This show is not touring any more!
Inspired by the mythological gure of the Trickster and the fairground booth, Jan Jedenak involves the audience in a dodgy game of throwing and shooting. A game who’s aim is transformation, the desire for manipulation and the responsibility of the
audience. They are invited to attend the skinning of multiple personalities, become the
wirepuller of the event, and perhaps encounter the strangeness in their own thoughts and desires.
Performance, Stage and Costume Design: Jan Jedenak
Directing: Florian Feisel
Music: Morgan Daguenet
Mentoring in Dance: Sonia Franken
Dramaturgical & Conceptual Mentoring: Jonas Klinkenberg
Light Design: Florian Feisel, Jan Jedenak
Graphics and Marketing: Peter Ardmar, Sophie Uli Ulrich
Photo: Thilo Neubacher
Touring history: FITZ! Theater animierter Formen Stuttgart, 20. international Figurentheaterfestival Erlangen, Lindenfels Westflügel Leipzig, LILARUM Vienna, Schaubude Berlin, Commedia Futura Hanover, Fidena Festival Bochum, Figurentheaterfestival Blickwechsel Magdeburg
In cooperation with FITZ! Stuttgart, Schaubude Berlin,
West Flügel Leipzig, LILARUM Vienna
Supported by the department of Cultural Affairs of the city of Stuttgart and the Department of puppetry at the State University HMDK Stuttgart.
Duration: 60 minutes
Premiere: 2017
With their ambiguous character, the trickster bring disorder into the divine universe, provoking conflicts.